Downside to the radical change around us

Previously discussed Seth Godin’s idea that we are in two overlapping recessions. One is cyclical and will end. The other is systemic and permanent.

I don’t know what we are going to call the new work world.  Doesn’t seem to be a description in use that has caught on.

Whatever it’s called, the transition to this new set of rules is going to be horribly painful.

Lots of people are in denial that there is anything happening.

None of us know how to make the transition. Continuing to quote The forever recession (and the coming revolution):

Stressful? Of course it is. No one is trained in how to do this, in how to initiate, to visualize, to solve interesting problems and then deliver. Some see the new work as a hodgepodge of little projects, a pale imitation of a ‘real’ job.

A lot of us will have a tough time making the transition.  It is difficult learning how to do the things Mr. Godin describes.  On October 1, 2011, in referring to the above post by Mr. Godin, Glenn Reynolds’ comment was:

I think his optimism is justified where the right half of the bell curve is concerned, but . . . .

(I don’t know how to link to just that sentence. You can find it in the comments on 10-1-11. The dangling end of the sentence is his commentary.)

That is a concern to me as well.  I have the skill sets and the drive to make the transition.  I am intentionally a one-person CPA firm, which means I have been an entrepreneur for almost a decade.  I’m already far along the transition path.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people who will have a really tough time.  Mr. Reynolds’ pithy comment contains the suggestion that for half the population, in other words those on the bell curve’s left side of abilities and skills, the future will not be so bright.

I agree.  Until we restructure our entire educational system (open just about any book by Mr. Godin or any day’s worth of links by Mr. Reynolds for an expanded explanation of this idea) few people will be prepared for thriving under the new rules.

In the meantime, Susannah Breslin raises 3 Reasons You May Be Unemployed ForeverIn expanding on Mr. Godin’s post on this new environment, she has three places to look for risks to your long-term employability:

Could you become terminally unemployed?

1. You’re too comfortable.

2. You’re a one-trick pony.

3. You can’t get out of your own way.

Things may be going great for you at this moment, so read her post for ideas on how to avoid finding out you are ‘terminally unemployed.’ 

My way of describing this new situation:  Each of us need to figure out how to avoid getting run over.

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