Keith Graves is still headed towards starting his trial on October 19th. He faces 11 federal charges, which includes allegations of trafficking seven different women, possession of a controlled substance, and distribution of methamphetamines.
On September 22nd, Keith Graves standby counsel requested the trial be delayed. Reason for the requested continuance is the standby counsel was scheduled to argue a case in front of the 8th circuit Court of Appeals on the scheduled first day of the trial. The court denied the request on September 25 stating the judge had been advised by the capital Appeals Court that the hearing had been postponed.
On September 28th, the court held a pretrial conference outlining parameters for the trial including opening and closing arguments and witness testimony.
So, the trial starts in just over two weeks.
A few previous comments on status of the trial:
- 8/15 Update – Status of federal charges against Keith Graves
- Keith Graves’ trial postponed to October 19, 2015
- Current status of Keith Graves, one of the main people in documentary “The Overnighters”
All my posts on Mr. Graves’ case can be found on this tag.