Average daily production in July was 874,681 barrels (bopd), which is an increase of 53,150 per day, or 6.47% for the month.
By my calc, this is an increase of 198,281 bopd from 7-12 to 7-13, or 29.3%. In the prior year (7-11 to 7-12), daily production increased by 251,231 bopd, or 50.1%.
The 12 month increase through 7-13 was smaller in amount and percent than the prior year. Only a one-third increase in a year. As I’ve pointed out before, only in the world of North Dakota oil production is a 29% annual increase not impressive when compared to the prior year.
Director’s cut is here.
Here are some graphs. Average daily production of the last 5 1/2 years:
Longer time perspective:
Smoothed curve, with average annual production: