Before we use Venezuelan Bolivares currency to show the devastation of hyperinflation, let’s finish looking at the currency.
Previous post showed the front (obverse) of 2 through 100,000 Bolivares paper money.
Now let’s look at the back (reverse).
The reverse side shows various wildlife.
Look in the are that seems to be blank and you can see a hint of the watermark. Holding the bill up to light reveals a watermark of the face engraved on the obverse.
2 – dated 12/27/12 – Toninas

5 – dated 5/24/07, Cachicama gigante, giant cachicamo

10 – dated 8/19/14, Aguila Arpia, harpy eagle, largest raptor in the rainforest; one of the largest eagles in the world. Females range from 12 to 20 pounds, males from 9 to 13 lb.

20 – dated 10/29/13, Tortuga Carey, hawksbill turtle

50 – dated 11/5/15, Oso frontino, frontino bear, spectacled bear

100 – dated 11/5/15, Cardenalitos, cardinals

500 – dated 3/23/17 –Toninas

1,000 – dated 3/23/17, Cachicama gigante, giant cachicamo

2,000 – dated 8/18/16, Aguila Arpia, harpy eagle

5,000 – dated 12/13/17, Tortuga Carey, hawksbill turtle

10,000 – dated 12/13/17, spectacled bear

20,000 – dated 12/13/17, Carenalitos, cardinals

100,000 – dated 12/13/17, Carenalitos, cardinals

As you can see, colorful and quite attractive.