The Gift of Peace
Quenten Thomas
The season now is Christmas,
A time of thankful cheer.
Peace our gift is given,
Its silence you can hear.
For way up in the north tier,
On plains of snowy white.
Deterrence still is working,
Each day and through the night.
While seldom they’re remembered,
And often times ignored.
The peace they’ve long provided,
For decades past and more.
Through dry heat days of summer,
And the bitter winters gale.
The peace on earth defended,
For years it has prevailed.
The work of oh so many,
Throughout these long past years.
Their standard yet unequaled,
By all their other peers.
While children all are nestled,
So snug and very warm.
Some troop is there protecting,
Their life from evils harm.
It’s quiet on these winter nights,
The northern lights will shine.
Another blessed Christmas,
There’s Peace for all Mankind.
First appeared in newsletter of Association of Air Force Missileers. Used with permission of author and AAFM.
See previous post here, for a few thoughts on this poem.