Visual of the radical increase in oil and gas production in the North Dakota Bakken field

The Bakken field is producing tremendous amounts of energy.  Mark Perry at Carpe Diem pointed out a cool visual on the rapid increase in production in the northwest corner of North Dakota.

Check out this link at Today In Energy for a quarterly visual on production from 1995 through 2010.

You can click directly on the following link to have the graphic run:


Look at the graph in the bottom right corner of the visualization. It shows the oil production from the Bakken field. Minimal production through about 2003. Then the curve goes up at about a 45 degree angle for about 4 years, then changes to about a 60 degree slope for the last 2 years.  Mark Perry said

If 2011 was added, it would be even more impressive, because North Dakota oil production increased this year by about one-third over 2010.

Here is your brain-stretching question for the day:  What changes would there be if the US starts producing so much energy that we go beyond energy self-sufficiency, but actually become a net exporter of energy?

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