An update on the number of drilling rigs in the state and several posts on Bruce Oksol’s current visit to Williston.
Here is a recap of the North Dakota rig count, all from Million Dollar Way. Some older data repeated for recent context:
- 93 – 4/17
- 86 – 5/1
- 82 – 6/5
- 73 – 7/9
- 71 – 7/20
- 74 – 7/31
- 74 – 8/20
- 76 – 9/1
- 75 – 9/7
- 73 – 9/9
- 69 – 9/10 – rig count shows a noticeable drop. Perhaps breaking through a ‘trading range’?
Some general update:
9/2 – Williston Herald – Menards to open Wednesday – Williston Menards will open on September 9. Store is at 405 32nd Ave W. For those of us living on the left coast, picture Lowes or Home Depot.
9/9 – Million Dollar Way – Quick Note From The Bakken – First of three posts on Mr. Oksol’s semi-annual visit to Williston.
9/9 – Million Dollar Way – Second Impressions of The Bakken – Mr. Oksol noticed a lot of traffic, seems like more than he expected what with the slowdown in drilling.
9/9 – Million Dollar Way – Third Impressions – Lots more families eating out. Was mostly men a couple of years ago. Restaurants are only very busy instead of hour-long-lines-out-the-door swamped like it was a few years ago.
He speculates that even as the economy slows, lots of people will be going to Williston for a vacation break instead of Bismarck or Minot. He identifies this as the if you build it they will come idea. Huge amount of new shopping will draw people from a long way around Williston. Menards is open, along with a large sporting goods store immediately next door.
It is quite fun to read his posts and recognize the different stores and places he mentions. Sounds like there has been a lot of progress on the downtown road construction work in the last five months. Sort of odd that I can place it when he says the construction on Main Street south of the Penney’s store is done and the street north of the store is torn up.
I was amazed at how crowded restaurants were this past May when I was in Williston. Not quite as over-crowded as last October though. On that trip, there were about a dozen people in front of us waiting to get a sandwich at a Subway store.
Looking forward to seeing the Menards soon.