How far did he go?
So as a result of running the drug bazaar called Silk Road, where did Ross Ulbricht wind up with his efforts to forcibly legalize drugs and simultaneously remove God from His throne and take over the throne for himself?
What did he get for his efforts? The feds claim he had tens of millions of dollars in his personal accounts.
(This is part 6 of a discussion of Silk Road, as described in, American Kingpin: The Epic Hunt for the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road, written by Nick Bilton. Check out parts one, two, three, four and five, if you wish.)
He ran a web site at which he knowingly sold to anyone who could pay:
- pot,
- coke,
- heroin,
- many varieties of synthetic drugs,
- equipment & supplies to manufacture drugs,
- automatic weapons,
- grenades,
- rocket launchers,
- body parts, including but not limited to:
- livers,
- kidneys,
- bone marrow,
- deadly poisons,
- counterfeit identification,
- counterfeit currency,
- keystroke loggers,
- spoofing software,
- sundry hacking tools, and
- fake passports.
He also contracted for and paid for what he thought was the murder of five people who offended him.