Average daily production in North Dakota is 701,134 barrels of oil per day (bopd) in August.
Here’s a couple of graphs.
Daily production by month. Blue is for entire state. Red is Bakken only.
A little longer time horizon:
Some analysis:
That is a 3.7% increase over the revised July production of 676,249 bopd.
A year ago production was 446,215, a 57% in 12 months.
Production for wells in the Bakken field only are 635,127 in August, revised 611,757 in July, 598,512 in June, 577,356 in May.Number of producing wells in the state is 7,303.
Good discussion of the data at Carpe Diem: Carpe oleum (seize the oil): North Dakota’s exponential oil production sets more new records in August.