One of many ways energy wizards are driving down the cost of drilling for oil is putting multiple wells on one site.
7/4 – Amy Dalrymple at Dickinson Press – Bakken multi-well pads getting bigger – The technique of drilling several wells from one site, called multi-pad multi-well pad drilling, is increasing. Both the number of pads and the number of wells per pad is going up.
For several years now I have noticed multiple pump jacks on one site.
In September 2015, I saw a 15 well pad. It is a few miles west of Ross and about a mile and a half north of highway 2. You can see it on Google maps at coordinates 48.333785, -102.653962, although the satellite photo is really old. It shows only the middle six wells with pumps installed and a drilling rig working on the west row of wells. No progress on the east row of wells.
Photo above is of the site. Here are a few more photos: Continue reading “Multi-well pad drilling in North Dakota”