Watched the uplifting and depressing movie Harriet last night. Second time I’ve seen it. Fabulous tale about the efforts of Harriet Tubman in liberating herself from slavery, then liberating most of her family, eventually freeing about 70 people from slavery.
(Cross post from Ancient Finances.)
After watching the movie again, wanted to pull together a recap of the posts discussing slavery on my other blog. Most of this discussion is based on Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman: Portrait of an American Hero, by Kate Clifford Larson, which is the first adult biography of Harriet Tubman published since 1943.
A thin sliver of highlights from the book, primarily about the pricing of slaves:
- Prices of slaves on the Eastern Shore of Maryland before the Civil War – Part 1 – Introduction, why discuss prices, manumission
Continue reading “Prices of slaves on the eastern shore of Maryland before the Civil War.”